Sam Gray
of Boulder, Colorado is a man of faith, and has demonstrated that faith on
numerous occasions. Formerly a participant on church mission trips, he has
expressed his faith through the help and support he has provided to others in
critical and/or emergency situations, giving of himself to help others in dire
need of assistance.
can affect anyone at any time, and often times a person’s faith can become
tested, even pushed to the limits. Sam Gray of Boulder, Colorado understands
how trying personal tragedy, no matter the size or scope, can be for an
individual, which is why he has worked to restore people’s faith through
heartfelt conversation, volunteering and much-needed emergency support. His
trip to New Orleans following the Hurricane Katrina disaster allowed him to not
only share his love of God with others, but to also show them that help and
support is always available during times of crisis.
Sam Gray
of Boulder, Colorado has carried the message of strength and faith to numerous
people struggling to cope with crisis and tragedy. The work he performed during
the Katrina crisis, as well as during his mission to Chicago, was of great
benefit to many people, helping to not only restore their faith in God, but
also in humanity. Sam Gray of Boulder, Colorado now takes the lessons of his
faith to the impoverished regions of the Dominican Republic through his
membership in the Peace Corps, providing support to those in dire need of a
friendly and helping hand.